An Invitation to Fulfill A Desire
Have you ever made a statement on January 1 like? a) I’m losing weight this year; b) I am going to change my hair style; 3) I am starting the job search now and I am going to “take this job and (you know the song)”.
Every year I work with men and women who had in January, sought to change some aspect of their life. As an old guy in constant need of body restoration, I see my Gold’s Gym fill up with health aspirants in January and then watch participation slowly dissipate by the end of March (btw I am in year 5).
For your 2017 planning and decision making, I am going to suggest that you read Psalm 37 and make one of King David’s verses a companion: “Take delight in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” NIV I believe that David is giving us an invitation and an equation that will allow us to make serious progress on our dreams and vision.

These men in Ethiopia turned a dream into a vision for a school for very poor children PK-K. God helped us to help them. A Psalm 37:4 story.
Take delight in the Lord: Spend time reading the Bible; enjoy priority time in prayer-with your spouse, a group of guys, or a life group to engage God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; give thanks for His love, grace and mercy; and anticipate that God will meet you personally during the year.
And he will give you the desires of your heart offers you an opportunity to diagram your requests, dreams, or vision and then bring them to God. I have practiced being specific in presenting my desires to God–those who know me chuckle that I pray for parking places (in emergencies only). What is your call to God in 2017:
- A new position, promotion or career change
- A restored relationship (a boss, family member, friend)
- A potential mate to appear or a current companion to “fish or cut bait” on proposing
- Assist a certain person, NGO, ministry with your resources of time, talent or treasure
- Take Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace seminar and get that budget in line
- Change a negative attitude about a situation, person or life in general
- Renew a relationship with God; ask Jesus to fill an emptiness of spirit that just doesn’t go away .
My long time mentor always said about desires: “Work like it all depends on me and pray like it all depends on God.” If my desire doesn’t line up with what God knows is best for me, I know that in time, He will change that desire to conform to His will.
Why not take a challenge to read Psalm 37 and pull out verse 4 for a 90 day challenge– delight yourself in the Lord and see what happens.