Our Purpose — Connections
Hi, my name is Paul Tomlinson, President of Living Perspectives. Our ministry is all about connecting people to purposeful, productive living and to God’s power and love. Responding to, and facilitating solutions for, individuals, couples or organizations is our mission.

The Living Perspectives Purpose is to help people seek an abundant life (John 10:10). Many men & women are experiencing loss of direction and hope. Others are exploring life decisions and contact us to seek advice. The legacy of countless transformed lives and miracles is a tribute to God’s faithfulness.

Our Mission – Counsel, Support and Planting Seeds of Love and Hope
For 42 years we have been connecting people struggling with physical, financial, emotional and spiritual challenges to life changing solutions. Living Perspectives has also had the privilege of planting the seeds of the gospel in Poland, Romania, Ethiopia and Kenya. Through coaching, mentoring and project management, Living Perspectives has been a conduit to solutions — connections to new careers, stronger marriages, life changing decisions, organizational plans and always bringing an opportunity to connect with God.

Experience – A Record of Connections
Living Perspectives has touched hundreds of lives while responding to a multitude of issues.  Positive outcomes and hope are the result of reliance on prayer, God’s word and our own experience. We are not about bricks & mortar or staff, but achieving solutions through a variety of approaches. It is rewarding to say that today’s operations are an extension of service provided since 1982. Our distinctives;

  • Building connections and collaboration within the Church community in Seattle
  • Developing Networks of faith leaders and organizations to encourage and serve the Lord
  • Engaging with organizations serving a variety of communities (homeless, addicted, incarcerated)
  • Supporting major projects in Ethiopia (prison ministry, Christian school)
  • Offering life coaching, career direction and mentoring
  • Coming alongside faith-based organization to support strategic planning initiative

How We Connect
Jeanne and I have learned that listening is critical to being of assistance whether in the US or Africa. Mentoring relies on our ability to hear and understand presenting problems and then to initiate a process of problem solving.  There are times with individuals, couples or organizations, that our best answer is to make a referral to an appropriate professional to continue with assistance. Each new situation requires a fresh approach to a solution. Introducing the importance of biblical principles in both personal and business situations has added value to our counsel

Thank you for taking to time to look at Living Perspectives. You are invited to join us and our Purpose and Mission by becoming a prayer partner, financial supporter or a volunteer.

Blessings, Paul Tomlinson

Hippies & Robots

Jeanne and I saw The Jesus Revolution film, a true story of God’s love during the Hippie Movement (mid 1960’s-70’s). I was moved by those followers of Jesus who engaged with love and truth those Read more…

A Miracle or Two

Billy Graham    Billy Graham brought his Crusade to Seattle 1976. This was the second event in the Kingdome and 50,000 per night attended. I became a volunteer businessman and was assigned a key operational role. Read more…

A Great 40th Anniversary

The year 2022 began with a hope and a prayer. Biblical “hope” means confident expectation and prayer anticipates that “God cares and acts.” Entering our 40th year of ministry my goal as President was to Read more…

Get in Touch

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Give us a ring

Paul Tomlinson
[email protected]
+1 206 295 1820
Mon - Fri, 8:00-20:00