Changing Lives One at a Time
Living Perspectives – September 2014
Here is a recent recap of activities for our organization during the first two weeks of September as the fall begins, and needs become more apparent after a summer of sun.
Homeless Men (Congregations for the Homeless)
- One of our CFH men had a serious addiction relapse. I kept emailing and he finally asked me to get him. Coffee, a late night trip to Evergreen Emergency ensued. We discovered our dedicated Director of Case Management there with another CFH man. Great work by Evergreen, our man was stabilized, did a prescription pick up and he was in bed by 1 am.
- Spent an hour at the CFH day center with a man in our shelter who is struggling with direction. Wanted to know more about applying spiritual disciplines to his future decision making.
- Met with 2 men in the day shelter seeking career direction after years of addiction.
- Had coffee with a man working with homeless men and exploring how we can work together
- Led three studies during the week dealing with emotions that contribute to addiction/failure.
- Friend referred a 21 year old needing a job, has a degree and no direction; explore faith walk
- Met with a pastor who is leaving the ministry and needs career direction
- Lunched with a business co-owner re: business decisions and exploring a faith walk
- Mentored another businessman going through work/personal transition
- Had 2 marriage mentoring sessions with one celebrating a positive change in their relationship and one that is still in progress and we will continue to meet.
- Jeanne and I took our grandson (almost 16) to see “When the Game Stands Tall”, a true, inspirational story about DeLasalle High School team & coach. I highly recommend this movie.
- Jeanne and I assisted in another family situation over the weekend and during the week
- Emailed a young lady now in LA whom I met at Serve Seattle and needs encouragement
- Found resources for a single mom saving over $300 for a plumbing project.
- Met with Peter Kline, as he prepares to push disabled children for 74 miles prior to the RocknRoll Marathon in Las Vegas, Nov 15-16 and then finish the last 26.3 miles pushing a child in the marathon. I am supporting Peter and will attend with him and help where possible.
- Our Ethiopian Prison Chaplain, Beza (age 65+) had a major heart issue, and is in the hospital in Addis Ababa with his wife, 7 hours from Dilla Town, his home. I spoke by phone 2x. His youngest 7 is with family in Dilla. We sent funds ($500) for his medication and family as he is no longer paid by the church and raises his own support.
- We had report that the Tino school is open and running in Dilla and requested more information as to numbers. We send 3Q support to the teacher s($351 USD per quarter);40-60 students
- Had a wonderful report from Teme, our soon to be sophomore in university, whom we support as a future leader in Ethiopia. Had good grades, is working this summer and sends wonderful messages of encouragement to us.* (See Text Below).
Summary and Next Steps
I am leading a new initiative with homeless men in the Bellevue day center 1-2 on Monday afternoon focused on productive transitions.
Living Perspectives, with Jim Canfield leading, will initiate a personal and spiritual growth study for men in our housing (8 rental houses and apartments with over 70 men). This will start a week from Thursday at 7pm.
The CFH winter shelter will open from Nov. 1 to April 30. We are designing a special personal development study series, and recruiting volunteers who will engage guys by “walking around” at night in the shelter. This is a tough crowd, they use, they doubt but many are seeking a positive life change. Our programs will allow men to set goals, process past issues and focus on action plans.
Peter Kline, a private wealth manager and CFH mentor, has invited 8 disabled young people to be pushed in the Las Vegas Marathon. I will lead a motivational and hopefully inspiration time with parents and young people before the event. This event will bring awareness to many of ways to encourage parents of disabled youth and to let the youth participate in a special event.
Starting the September I will be the motivational coach for the Granite Falls High School Shell Oil Eco Marathon team. I will teach team building, character development and project management. They have the only all-girls team and one team of boys and girls focusing on STEM education.
In the last few months, we have encountered numerous parents whose sons and daughters in their 20’s, 30’s and on up have strayed in some form from the values taught. Most of the parents have nowhere to go to talk it through and above all, strive for making responses and actions that maintain, not destroy, relationships with their children. The numbers we have encountered just in our own circle are many. Jeanne and I are seeking wisdom about initiating a program to assist parents.
*From Temesgne in Ethiopia on 9/11: Dear Paul, First let me say how sorry I am about the horrendous events of September 11.My prayers and thoughts are with all Americans. I just want to express my grief and condolences to those many families who are hurt by the death of their loved ones. I want to take this opportunities to send my sincere sympathy on the series events that have occurred in your country. I really sorry for that so many innocents lives were lost in such a cruel way. However, life most go on as so should we, so let us pray that the following year will bring peace and happiness to the entire world. Today we are celebrating our new year and am very happy for that last night the whole family came up from the place were they lived and now we are enjoying a lot with our Dad. please Dad I need your prayers my younger sister last Monday she fallen down and she is seriously hurt. please pass my warm greetings to Jeanne and your beloved families! God be with you, yours Teme
Paul Tomlinson