Homelessness…Now An Agenda Item

When I started serving homeless men 14 years ago, their presence in Bellevue, WA (and Seattle) was an annoyance to the community, you know, like a paper cut on the finger.  Now in Puget Sound and Eastside Cities, it is like an ongoing agenda item on city and county council meetings, newspaper columns and on Read more…

What are your FTO scores?

What is FTO?  Faith/Trust/Obedience   These three words are key to producing spiritual fruit in our lives and the lives of others.  This is the first blog in a series of 4 addressing the impact of  FTO in our lives.  Definitions: Faith-Strongly Held Belief/Conviction/Optimism/Confidence in someone or something; belief in God Read more…

Victim: To Be Or Not To Be

Ever been a victim?  robbery;  assault;  falsely accused; bullied; family “conspiracy;” an unfair boss; or who knows what?  Remaining as a real or perceived victim is not good for physical, mental or spiritual health.  There is always a way out. We are never too old to get a fresh perspective on a subject.  Read more…

Father Knows Best

Father’s Day evokes a lot of memories about my dad, Babe.  He had a 6th grade education, wisdom beyond his learning and played AAA baseball.  He worked 42 years with Shell Oil and was married 65 years to my mom, Pauline.  His legacy for me:  being positive no matter the Read more…