A Miracle or Two

Billy Graham
Billy Graham brought his Crusade to Seattle 1976. This was the second event in the Kingdome and 50,000 per night attended. I became a volunteer businessman and was assigned a key operational role. Billy’s love for God and people saw thousands of individuals, couples, businesses and an entire city changed.
My assignment was to provide 7 days of food and supplies for 400 volunteers and find 100 typewriters for typists, all of whom worked each night after the program. What a privilege I thought and then I was told: there is no funding ($)….find a way. I called my small team together to pray for ideas and directions as we had 3 weeks to deliver typewriters, food, paper, staplers, and whatever else was needed–a miracle.
One member discovered Boeing had just reconditioned 96 typewriters ready to sell at surplus — one week loan — no charge. A typewriter company gave us 4 more (100)! Bread and food companies filled my VW bus with meat, cheese and bread. Hundreds of church volunteers each night delivered cookies, drinks and sandwiches. Mr. Reser, founder of Reser foods, prepared a BBQ on Wednesday night. More miracles. Thousands of people came to know Jesus for the first time., and God provided.God answered our prayers. It was a fish and loaves story from the bible. BTW, my sister, helping me out, accepted Christ in a miraculous manner one night as one of my team members shared the Lord with her.
Seattle 2023–miracles ahead. As you read this story, businesspeople, churches, business small groups, non-profits, educators and government workers are beginning to pray for revival and restoration for the Greater Seattle area. This is a grassroots effort. Will you pray with us that lives will be changed, many will seek a relationship with Jesus and the ills of our cities will begin to be solved. Pray and anticipate that God listens, cares, will answer and direct our paths.