What is Your DTR with Jesus
As a guy from another era or two, I don’t understand all the social media shorthand abbreviations. BTW, for you millennials, shorthand was used by secretaries (now admin assistants) taking dictation from their managers (you know, face to face) so they could type letters on an IBM Selectric. You figure it out. DTR is one I do know as do most singles: Define the Relationship: “are we a thing,” “a fling” or “I want a ring.”
Last week I led a memorial service for one of our CFH shelter residents, Richard, a man in his 40’s. His mother, sister and other family members attended along with 60 others. The family DTR with Richard for years, because of addictions, had been distance, disappointment & discouragement. They had tried to help but Richards DTR was absence and addiction.
However, in the last 6 months, Richard established a new DTR: with Jesus Christ. In the past he had acknowledged “the man upstairs,” or his AA “higher power,” as he tinkered with sobriety. He was not in a relationship.
At the shelter Richard met some people who had a full on DTR with Jesus, people who had submitted their will, sought to help those in need, and utilized prayer to cement the relationship. During that 6 months people like Sterling, Kathy/Brian, a husband/wife team, Bruce, and Bob spent hours answering Richard’s questions, sharing biblical principles and verses, studying and praying with Richard. I would meet him at Starbucks in the Key Bank building and talk God and business.
Over those months, Richard decided to DTR with Jesus-he committed his will and his life. He volunteered with his church, serving different ministries; he helped guys in the shelter; and shared what he did know about God and the bible. He was on fire. One day he approached me and said, “I want to be baptized in a lake.” Questioned by Sterling and me on what it means to believe in, and follow Jesus, he responded with clear, concise answers. Some 3 weeks ago he made a public confession–a plunge into Lake Sammamish in front of friends.
Sometimes God has a different plan than ours. Richard died within weeks of his baptism-years of addictions and ongoing habits had finally caught up. At the memorial, the family heard the testimony of many friends & colleagues of the truly changed, but not perfect, Richard, bringing to them a sense of positive closure. His transformation was real and it is reassuring to know Jesus loves us in any condition we are in. We each are hopefully growing through our sin and struggles even after following Christ. Richard’s life falls within 2 verses that have be stalwarts in my ministry:
Anniversary Verse # 10: But God demonstrates His love for us while were still sinners, Christ died for us Romans 5:8
Anniversary Verse #11: Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23
How about checking your DTR by reading Not a Fan, by Kyle Idleman. Have a great day.